Batter Up!

Today we saw the sunshine! We started our day with fun lessons and then headed off to a delicious lunch. After we filled our bellies we headed off to Canoe at the Calgary Canoe club. When we arrived to Canoe Club, we put on our sunscreen, kicked off our shoes and headed out on the water. We learned four different types of strokes to use on the water to go forward, backwards, turn and go sideways. We played racing games and explored the reservoir. We also learned that the reservoir holds all of Calgary’s drinking water, how cool!

After Canoeing, we had a tasty snack and headed off to play baseball. We started off learning how to throw overhand and underhand, then learned the rules of the game. We played rock paper scissors to form teams and then took our bases and played ball! We each took a turn and hit the ball. We even had a few home runs and had a player drive in a run!

After canoeing and baseball, we headed off to Denny’s for dinner. We ate filling suppers of avocado chicken salads, tuscan chicken burgers, and veggie skillets. After dinner we headed home for our third and final lesson of the day. After our lesson, we were able to go out and explore our campus and the surrounding area on our own. We had so much fun today!