Perfect Spirals and Getting Loose with the Moose

This was our last full day of Wynchemna before camping and we spared no expense. It was a jammed packed day for sure. We started with laundry early in the morning and then headed to the computer lab to get our Wynchemna Newspaper articles typed up and ready to roll off to the presses.

Then we headed back to the Calgary Canoe Club, but this time for some sweet kayaking. It's fun canoeing with a partner but there is a freedom of kayaking solo like no other. We got snug into our kayaks and scooched out into the reservoir. It was an amazing time of racing, tag, and forming rafts. One of us even took a tumble into the water but with some help of some friends he was able to get back into his kayak!

Next up was Canadian Football. We had tons of fun learning how to toss the ball and put a cool spiral on it. Then we played a few pick up games of two-touch football and had an awesome time scoring touchdowns!

After a delicious meal at Denny's we headed back to our Wynchemna home and started our Loose Moose workshop. The famous and very funny Shawn was our host and he led us through lots of awesome mind games, drama games and even some life lessons! We laughed our hearts out and had a great time letting go of our inhibitions and fears and just have fun with our amazing Wynchemna friends.

We packed up our bags, had some free time and just before lights out we got our friends out and said our goodbyes to three of our most beloved students: Ryan, Peter and Sophie! We hugged, cried, took selfies and exchanged instagrams. We will definitely keep in contact!!

Tomorrow we start camping. We can't wait!