Gonna take my Camp to the Old Town Road

Today was the Calgary Stampede! We had a very early start heading out to the cowboys and rides at the midway! We spent our morning on the fun rides, twirling, dropping, and spinning around. Every student tried a different ride and had exciting stories to report back at lunch! We met for lunch all together outside, enjoying a nice relaxing picnic. It was a great break from the hustle and bustle inside the stampede grounds but after our sandwiches we were ready to be back at it again!

We dove back into the crowds, some to enjoy more rides, others checking out the rodeos! But that’s not all, we also explored some of the beautiful buildings, seeing fancy art, beautiful animals and cool new gadgets! A classic favourite for many is always the dog show! Seeing cute puppies jumping through hoops and doing flips is never a bad time!

After a long day of fun in the sun we all headed back to SAIT, first stopping for a filling and delicious dinner. Only to get back home and talk about more food! Time to prepare for our International Supper! Always a favourite event here at Wynchemna, our students broke into groups talking with all students from their countries to decide what delicious meal they want to create for all of us here. We can’t wait to see what they have in store for us!