Cackling Canada Geese - July 9, 2017 - Stampede!


We ate our bacon and eggs quickly this morning because we knew we had a big day ahead of us. Today was Stampede Day!We loaded onto our bus and we were off! The students explored the exhibits and learned about agriculture and livestock. Some of us made it to the rodeo while others went straight to the rides! The students zipped, zapped, and zoomed around on all the tilt-a-whirls and roller coasters. Weee!Then we gathered together as a group to eat lunch and discuss what rides we went on. After lunch it was back to the rides for more fun!We boogied around the fairgrounds and snacked on delicious treats such as deep-fried Oreos and turkey legs.Supper was at Swiss Chalet - pasta and fries were on the menu - two of our favourites. We wrapped up the day by tidying our rooms in preparation for camping. The students went to sleep promptly for a good night’s rest.[AFG_gallery id='590']