We Went Cruising Through Downtown Today!

Today was a beautiful day. Not only did we start the day with some lessons about Canadian legends and finished up our movies, we competed in a great race around the city! Got into our groups and with a list of the places to see and things we had to do, we headed downtown. We got to see all the coolest places including parks, buildings, the coolest library we’ve ever seen, and a waterpark. The waterpark was especially awesome because we got to cool off to beat the heat, and splash each other with water! Then we headed down to the river and practiced skipping rocks and building rock towers by the riverside. Finally we walked over to the Indian restaurant and oh my goodness was the food ever delicious. We tried some foods that we never have before and everything tasted so good after our adventurous travels downtown. We had so much fun today and we are going to sleep very well tonight. What a great experience- we love Calgary!