Grouse Mountain and Spa/Movie Night

Today was another amazing day at Wynchemna, but it was challenging. Our day started with a nutritious breakfast at the UBC cafeteria, then we jumped right into lessons. Today’s lesson was a continuation from yesterday’s, and we started filming our TV programs. It was so much fun and very funny! Our bellies hurt from laughing so much. After lessons we had a quick lunch and then headed to Grouse Mountain, “Mother Nature’s Stairmaster,” 850 meters of elevation. We completed the whole trek in two hours. What a grind! And at the peak, we saw something we will never forget: two rescued grizzly bears and a Golden Eagle. We took SO many pictures! Then we took the gondola down the mountain and had freshly grilled sandwiches for supper. Once we got back, teacher Vicky had transformed the common room into a Spa with blankets, soothing music, and candles. In order to enter, we had to put on a face mask and promise to only whisper inside. Once we were settled, we made hot chocolate and watched a movie together. What a perfect way to end our crazy day!